Recognize and banish fear and doubt
Today, let us find fear where he is hiding and drag him out into the light of love. Today, let us pull doubt from the shadows and let him melt in the strong light of grace. Today, let us recognize fear and doubt for what they are: insubstantial illusions of our own making, which can exist only when we give them permission, phantoms of our minds, bullies that will back down when they are exposed to the light. Fear has so many disguises that you must spend someeffort to recognize him for what he is. He disguises himself as specific worry, general anxiety, anger and frustration, apathy and indifference. Most people recognize the symptoms of a major jolt offear, the rapid heartbeat and clutch in the stomach. But your body has many ways that it signals fear in subtler ways, perhaps nervousness in your legs, as you lie in bed unable to sleep. Or perhaps it is a sour feeling in your stomach or a slightly irregular heartbeat when you confront a difficult person or situation. And often it is seen as depression, when you have deeply absorbed the fear and doubt and turned it against yourself. You must learn to recognize and banish both fear and doubt from your mind and body. Fear does not tell the truth and it does not give good advice. Ask for fear to leave. Tell doubt to be quiet. Then allow the light of love to flood you and fill you. Become a column of light and love. And here, within this lightand love, so bright that fear could not possibly exist, here, you may make your choices, based on the calm and centered feeling in your center. Here, full of love and clear of doubt, you will know the right choice to make in this moment, right now, not based onwhat fear says might happen, not based on the dire warnings of doubt, and not based on some fantasy ofwhat you would like to have happen, but instead, based on what is right now and what is likely to happen inthe next moment, all of which is fully known to you, when you clear away fear and doubt and fill yourself with love. Your inner truth asks much of you. When you go deeply into the truth within the moment, when you allow yourself to receive direction from this inner rightness, you will be asked to overcome fear and move forth with action, cloaked only in courage. You will often be asked to do things unfamiliar, to deal with new people, to take on tasks that may seem overwhelming, to make your choices in the direction of change. There are times when the truth will tell youto simply wait, when you had wanted to act rashly. There are times when it will tell you to act, when you are feeling timid and unsure. There are times when it will tell you to act boldly in a direction you neverwould have chosen without this guidance, so unfamiliarand frightening it is. And it is at these times, that fear and doubt will tryto make themselves heard. And your mind will set out to justify what fear and doubt are saying. There are endless reasons and excuses that will come forward for why you should not follow the guidance of your inner truth. And most of your friends and family will echo this as well, for they are also closely bound to fear, truth and it does not give good advice. Ask for fearto leave. Tell doubt to be quiet. Then allow the light of love to flood you and fill you. Become acolumn of light and love. And here, within this lightand love, so bright that fear could not possibly exist, here, you may make your choices, based on the calm and centered feeling in your center. Here, fullof love and clear of doubt, you will know the right choice to make in this moment, right now, not based on what fear says might happen, not based on the dire warnings of doubt, and not based on some fantasy of what you would like to have happen, but instead, based on what is right now and what is likely to happen inthe next moment, all of which is fully known to you, when you clear away fear and doubt and fill yourselfwith love. Your inner truth asks much of you. When you go deeply into the truth within the moment, when you allow yourself to receive direction from this inner rightness, you will be asked to overcome fear and move forth with action, cloaked only in courage. You will often be asked to do things unfamiliar, to deal withnew people, to take on tasks that may seem overwhelming, to make your choices in the direction of change. There are times when the truth will tell you to simply wait, when you had wanted to act rashly. There are times when it will tell you to act, when you are feeling timid and unsure. There are times when it will tell you to act boldly in a direction you never would have chosen without this guidance, so unfamiliarand frightening it is. And it is at these times, that fear and doubt will try to make themselves heard. And your mind will set out to justify what fear and doubt are saying. There are endless reasons and excuses that will come forward for why you should not follow the guidance of your inner truth. And most of your friends and family will echo this as well, for they are also closely bound to fear and doubt and want only that you should be safe. But there is no safety. There is only life, unfolding each day with new opportunities, with ways to move forward in a deep involvement with this experience. Life is not safe. Life is vibrant and challenging, glorious and awesome, a continual rainbow of possibilities. Know who you are. You are not fear and you are not doubt. You are the centered core that you feel within you, peaceful and loving, open and blossoming. Letthis person shine forth, in courage and certainty, inconfidence and openness, ready to meet the challenges, full of energy and a joyous acceptance of life as itis, even as it changes moment by moment. You are up to that challenge. You are strong and courageous and surrounded by help. You are all that you need to be, right now. Shine forth in your glory. Let us see who you are. Here is a little prayer for today I stand in the light and open myself to the endless stream of love that is there for me. I feel love and light pouring into my body. I feel love and light surrounding me like a warm blanket, comforting me, making me know that I am deeply loved and cared for atall times. I shine out with love. I go deeply within my centerand feel the truth there, glowing brightly. I know this center. I know the feel of my own truth, calmand peaceful, glowing within me. I trust this center and what it contains. All things are known to me whenI come here and allow myself to connect completely with the truth that lies within. I am this truth. I shine out with it. I take this truth and cloak myself in courage, courage formed of the love that is in me, that surrounds me and is me at all times. I shine forth with truth and courage and know, absolutely, that I am ready for the challenges and wonders of life. I open myself to life as it comes to me, sparkling with newness and possibility. I am truth. I am peace, and doubt and want only that you should be safe. But there is no safety. There is only life, unfolding each day with new opportunities, with ways to move forward in a deep involvement with this experience. Life is not safe. Life is vibrant and challenging, glorious and awesome, a continual rainbow of possibilities. Know who you are. You are not fear and you are not doubt. You are the centered core that you feel within you, peaceful and loving, open and blossoming. Letthis person shine forth, in courage and certainty, inconfidence and openness, ready to meet the challenges, full of energy and a joyous acceptance of life as itis, even as it changes moment by moment. You are up to that challenge. You are strong and courageous and surrounded by help. You are all that you need to be, right now. Shine forth in your glory. Let us see who you are. Here is a little prayer for todayI stand in the light and open myself to the endless stream of love that is there for me. I feel love andlight pouring into my body. I feel love and light surrounding me like a warm blanket, comforting me, making me know that I am deeply loved and cared for atall times. I shine out with love. I go deeply within my centerand feel the truth there, glowing brightly. I know this center. I know the feel of my own truth, calmand peaceful, glowing within me. I trust this centerand what it contains. All things are known to me whenI come here and allow myself to connect completely with the truth that lies within. I am this truth. I shine out with it. I take thistruth and cloak myself in courage, courage formed ofthe love that is in me, that surrounds me and is me atall times. I shine forth with truth and courage and know, absolutely, that I am ready for the challenges and wonders of life. I open myself to life as it comes to me, sparkling with newness and possibility. I am truth. I am peace and joy. I am love and light. I am. and joy. I am love and light. I am.
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