Sunday, September 10, 2006



"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him", said
Voltaire. The question arises: What sort of a God do we want ? The vast
majority of men and women want God who is a sort of a store-keeper ready to
supply them all those things for which they send in a requisition -- the
wealth of the world, its pleasures and power.
So long as God gives them what they want, God is good. God is loving,
God is wise, and there is none like unto Him. But the moment He refuses to
oblige, He becomes a cruel God, unjust and unkind. His very existence is
questioned or denied.
The God for the majority of us is a "servant", God ready to do our
bidding, eager to satisfy our cravings and caprices the moment they arise.
In plain words, we do not want God's Will to be done. What we desire is
that our will should be done. And the more I succeed in the doing of my
will, the more restless do I grow, the more unhappy and miserable. It is
only God's Will that can restore harmony and order. Until I learn to submit
to the Will of God, even if I reach out to the moon and conquer the stars, I
shall but continue to wander from restlessness to restlessness.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Follow the path of Ahimsa

Thou are not supposed to think harm of anyone. "Ahimsa" should be followed in thoughts too. Read "Lord Mahavira" in Jainism. Follow the Teachings of "Jesus Christ" - All are thy brethren. Love all. Assimilate the Teachings of "Lord Buddha" - complete your "Karma", follow the middle path to attain "Nirvana". What then is thy destiny? Is it not the bloom of what we have thought till now? We pray and ask God! Why burden the Lord again.

Pray to be forgiven for deeds unknowingly committed. Love thy profession. Devotedly win the affection of your employer. You can never be a slave except within your own mind. Poverty is within. World is full of pearls and diamonds. Pray to Lord to grant thy wisdom to understand truth. Pearls for wise are stones brightly polished. Poor perceive it as richness. Be rich in understanding. When you abandon this earthly garb of your Human form, you assimilate with the unknown. You are one amongst the dust. What value is of richness?

Live a Life of content. Understand thyself. "God is within". Do not tire your body. You will miss all that is rich. You need not climb Mount Everest or go to the Moon. Feel them wherever you are. Beauty is all around. The night sky! Did you ever watch the night beauty created by the unknown? The amazing spells of stars shooting and blinking and Comets with a lovely tail or the shying moon. Watch them closer through a telescope. You would for a moment forget you were living on Earth.

Happier moments are within you, always more so if you are bodily healthy. You can travel and visit fascinating groves of beauty in the flowing brooks, picturesque mountain sides or raging seas. Even if you are aged, don't get awry. Seconds are precious. Preserve every past moment. Break the bonds of slavery from within. Educate (i.e. develop from within) and know thy true identity of Life. Kings may come and Kings may go but the beauty of the seas, mountains, rivers, hill sides and the Cosmic World as a whole lives forever.

Can thou afford to meddle with the affairs of his. Are you not fulfilling his desires by becoming a stepping stone to success for the whole mankind? Love every form of Life however small or irregular it may be. The injured bird you are bandaging may be your stepping stone of the earthly destiny which is only a fraction of your cosmic journey. The lord may be testing you by reincarnating in bird form. Your sufferings of birth and death may cease who knows when!


Follow the path of Ahimsa(how to find your inner self)

Thou are not supposed to think harm of anyone. "Ahimsa" should be followed in thoughts too. Read "Lord Mahavira" in Jainism. Follow the Teachings of "Jesus Christ" - All are thy brethren. Love all. Assimilate the Teachings of "Lord Buddha" - complete your "Karma", follow the middle path to attain "Nirvana". What then is thy destiny? Is it not the bloom of what we have thought till now? We pray and ask God! Why burden the Lord again.

Pray to be forgiven for deeds unknowingly committed. Love thy profession. Devotedly win the affection of your employer. You can never be a slave except within your own mind. Poverty is within. World is full of pearls and diamonds. Pray to Lord to grant thy wisdom to understand truth. Pearls for wise are stones brightly polished. Poor perceive it as richness. Be rich in understanding. When you abandon this earthly garb of your Human form, you assimilate with the unknown. You are one amongst the dust. What value is of richness?

Live a Life of content. Understand thyself. "God is within". Do not tire your body. You will miss all that is rich. You need not climb Mount Everest or go to the Moon. Feel them wherever you are. Beauty is all around. The night sky! Did you ever watch the night beauty created by the unknown? The amazing spells of stars shooting and blinking and Comets with a lovely tail or the shying moon. Watch them closer through a telescope. You would for a moment forget you were living on Earth.

Happier moments are within you, always more so if you are bodily healthy. You can travel and visit fascinating groves of beauty in the flowing brooks, picturesque mountain sides or raging seas. Even if you are aged, don't get awry. Seconds are precious. Preserve every past moment. Break the bonds of slavery from within. Educate (i.e. develop from within) and know thy true identity of Life. Kings may come and Kings may go but the beauty of the seas, mountains, rivers, hill sides and the Cosmic World as a whole lives forever.

Can thou afford to meddle with the affairs of his. Are you not fulfilling his desires by becoming a stepping stone to success for the whole mankind? Love every form of Life however small or irregular it may be. The injured bird you are bandaging may be your stepping stone of the earthly destiny which is only a fraction of your cosmic journey. The lord may be testing you by reincarnating in bird form. Your sufferings of birth and death may cease who knows when!


Truce with my inner self (how to find your inner self)

We are Masters of our destiny

Abstain from wrong deeds. God does not pardon. It can Forgive if we repent and make up for the injustice done. Pray for enhancing Life of your ailing Mother but be prepared to sacrifice equivalent years from your Life. Remain positive. Even birds and animals will understand thy for inhibiting courage and Faith. Act as a true disciple of God.

Do not fear death for you cannot create. Do not love thy body. It is merely a clothing for the soul. You who understands the truth wants to free yourself of the earthly destiny. Still you want to live more! Life and death is as simple as changing of the Guards at Buckingham Place. The destiny of your journey in one form is fixed, so why bother when!

Understand the cosmic illusion! Control thy cravings. Greed is the aftermath. Do not indulge. You will want more and more. No matter how many buckets you add, the sea remains the same. Look inside. The reservoir is full. Disburse with both hands. No matter how many buckets you withdraw, the reservoir never dries.

Indulge and you fear the Lord. A baby cries unceasingly. It longs for wanton desires. Wise parents will gratify what they feel just. The child starts developing with a balanced Life, his wanton desires suppressed. Can we expect this child to grow and indulge in bestial desires? Not unless prevailing in circumstances compel him.

A young child is a reflection of God. Not tainted by egos’, unjust emotions and wanton desires. The cosmic travel attracts him to indulge throughout the journey on this earthly abode. Parents must help a child grow into a wise Human Being. One who is wise is also handsome. One who is wise and handsome gets a beautiful partner for Life. Why do not all of us act wise all the time.

Charity starts at home. How many of us practice it. You want to meekly continue doing what others are doing. You must stand out and become a leader. Followers will see you achieve your goal. Self interest prompts them. Faith in the lord and mutual trust will win the day. Do not distrust anyone. Disgruntled atmosphere robs the day of its light. Wise men make followers understand the truth. Leader is only the guide.